Today June 21, 2010 has been a day that will be reflected in the history of Native American peoples: it has been held fifth "Q'achi Raymi" and this time the place chosen for this celebration was the ceremonial center "Pucara Tambo Cacha located in the province of Chimborazo, yet has made the" Great Council "formed by the councils of Tachtitlan (Central America), Tahuantinsuyo (South America), and Intisuyo (sons of the sun).
What is Q'awchi Raymi?
this way is called the great spiritual pilgrimage to the magnetic centers or Chakras of the Earth. In the age of Pisces the Q'awchi Raymi was called "Kumbh Mela" and occurred in places East energy. MSA AVATAR To Dr. de la Ferriere the last Kumbh Mela was held in Hardwar, at the edges of Ghent, a town in the Himalayan foothills. The day of the New Moon gathered about 5 million people present at this great religious assembly.
In 1950 a change in Eastern pilgrimages since telútira electromagnetic energy has shifted to "Amerikua" because of various factors (displacement of the axis of the earth, the entrance to the age of the water carrier, esoteric reasons) in This continent is the magnetic center Principal, having their chakras:
1 ° Chacra (Root) related to the earth element.
2 ° Chakra is in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Titicaca, covering a large area comprising several mountains and part of the valley, reaching Tiahuanaco or Tiwanaku, rather know of the New Era; related Water element. 3 ° Chacra
aen is the Jewel City, a place sarado in the Andean foothills to the north, volcanic area between Guayaquil and Quito (Chimborazo), related to the fire element.
And Inti Raymi
For Celebracions Andean peoples there are four very important: Pawkar Raymi, the Inti Raymi, the Kulla and Kapak Raymi Raymi, each with a different meaning at different times of the year. The most important of all is the Inti Rami, as it symbolizes the harvest and thank the Taita Inti (Father Sun), which permits the preparation of the fruit. Held on June 21, but at other times would last a week or more.
This year the great festival of Inti Raymi is found in all native Andean communities, but this time has coincided with the Q'awchi Raymi.
ceremony of Inti Raymi in Cacha, Province of Chimborazo.
Ceremonial Center is located at Pucara Tambo Cacha, about fifteen minutes from Riobamba. This site contains the source of mystical Puruhae people native to this region, a site that clearly admires the older brother, the Chimborazo.
The pilgrims began arriving from Alaska to Patagonia to this place from five o'clock, when he began the ritual of holy bath and sun salutation, and then at ten o'clock came the ceremony in which he met the Great Council composed of leaders com unit, Sabi @ s, @ s healing the country, region and continent.
The ceremony called the Coyis of the Sierra Nevada in Santa Marta Colombia, the U.S. Cherokees, Canaris Puruhaes and other natives of Ecuador, in order to many pilgrims from all over America and Europe. Representing the old continent were young people in Poland, France and Spain, each dressed in costumes originating from their native villages. One of the most impressive acts was the union of the Condor Eagle (literally), fulfilling the desire of peoples native, who has even been considered as a prophecy.
The Great Council which was formed in this sacred site, called for humanity, not only for the beings who inhabit this continent but around the world. Among the agreements reached are the following:
1. From now on native peoples should not act led by hatred, resentment, revenge, is harder than the pain that has suffered the anguish of slavery and marginalization they have experienced. "I got that and see the future based on love for our people for the Pacha Mama, the intelligence, the strength of individual character and a people, and by dint of our culture." "We recover the essential vitality of indigenous nustros "were the words of brother Luis Felipe Duchicela.
2. It is time that everything comes together fragmented. It is time to give forgiveness to the men and women who once made a hundred damage years.
This was an emotional moment to hear a young man from Murcia, Spain who apologized on behalf of their grandparents for all damage caused to this town. "I apologize for my ancestors who came to enrich themselves by pain that caused ". Another young English asked to teach the traditions, and they also have been enslaved peoples subject to Roman conquests over two thousand years, and But they could not keep the light, and wisdom Libet found here.
A young French qu barefoot as all participants in the ceremony, with his sweet voice asked that there is only one race: the global race.
3. That the next Council take place in December 2012 in Guatemala, a Mayan sacred site since that date marks the Mayan prophesy does not mean the end of the world, but a "time account" but surely bring change to humanity.
This trip was one more proof that there are many people who believe and fight for a culture of peace. I have witnessed the grand ceremony that united brothers from countries as diverse who shared the same song, the same land with bare parts, their ofrentas to the "Great Mystery" or "Great Spirit" that works in ways so strange but that certainly has brought all these people to this sacred place. Gradually awakens the conscience of mankind, and are raising the children of the sun. A hó! So be it!.
Source: Root Magazine, Issue No. 36 (the last).
What is Q'awchi Raymi?
this way is called the great spiritual pilgrimage to the magnetic centers or Chakras of the Earth. In the age of Pisces the Q'awchi Raymi was called "Kumbh Mela" and occurred in places East energy. MSA AVATAR To Dr. de la Ferriere the last Kumbh Mela was held in Hardwar, at the edges of Ghent, a town in the Himalayan foothills. The day of the New Moon gathered about 5 million people present at this great religious assembly.
In 1950 a change in Eastern pilgrimages since telútira electromagnetic energy has shifted to "Amerikua" because of various factors (displacement of the axis of the earth, the entrance to the age of the water carrier, esoteric reasons) in This continent is the magnetic center Principal, having their chakras:
1 ° Chacra (Root) related to the earth element.
2 ° Chakra is in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Titicaca, covering a large area comprising several mountains and part of the valley, reaching Tiahuanaco or Tiwanaku, rather know of the New Era; related Water element. 3 ° Chacra
aen is the Jewel City, a place sarado in the Andean foothills to the north, volcanic area between Guayaquil and Quito (Chimborazo), related to the fire element.
And Inti Raymi
For Celebracions Andean peoples there are four very important: Pawkar Raymi, the Inti Raymi, the Kulla and Kapak Raymi Raymi, each with a different meaning at different times of the year. The most important of all is the Inti Rami, as it symbolizes the harvest and thank the Taita Inti (Father Sun), which permits the preparation of the fruit. Held on June 21, but at other times would last a week or more.
This year the great festival of Inti Raymi is found in all native Andean communities, but this time has coincided with the Q'awchi Raymi.
ceremony of Inti Raymi in Cacha, Province of Chimborazo.
Ceremonial Center is located at Pucara Tambo Cacha, about fifteen minutes from Riobamba. This site contains the source of mystical Puruhae people native to this region, a site that clearly admires the older brother, the Chimborazo.
The pilgrims began arriving from Alaska to Patagonia to this place from five o'clock, when he began the ritual of holy bath and sun salutation, and then at ten o'clock came the ceremony in which he met the Great Council composed of leaders com unit, Sabi @ s, @ s healing the country, region and continent.
The ceremony called the Coyis of the Sierra Nevada in Santa Marta Colombia, the U.S. Cherokees, Canaris Puruhaes and other natives of Ecuador, in order to many pilgrims from all over America and Europe. Representing the old continent were young people in Poland, France and Spain, each dressed in costumes originating from their native villages. One of the most impressive acts was the union of the Condor Eagle (literally), fulfilling the desire of peoples native, who has even been considered as a prophecy.
The Great Council which was formed in this sacred site, called for humanity, not only for the beings who inhabit this continent but around the world. Among the agreements reached are the following:
1. From now on native peoples should not act led by hatred, resentment, revenge, is harder than the pain that has suffered the anguish of slavery and marginalization they have experienced. "I got that and see the future based on love for our people for the Pacha Mama, the intelligence, the strength of individual character and a people, and by dint of our culture." "We recover the essential vitality of indigenous nustros "were the words of brother Luis Felipe Duchicela.
2. It is time that everything comes together fragmented. It is time to give forgiveness to the men and women who once made a hundred damage years.
This was an emotional moment to hear a young man from Murcia, Spain who apologized on behalf of their grandparents for all damage caused to this town. "I apologize for my ancestors who came to enrich themselves by pain that caused ". Another young English asked to teach the traditions, and they also have been enslaved peoples subject to Roman conquests over two thousand years, and But they could not keep the light, and wisdom Libet found here.
A young French qu barefoot as all participants in the ceremony, with his sweet voice asked that there is only one race: the global race.
3. That the next Council take place in December 2012 in Guatemala, a Mayan sacred site since that date marks the Mayan prophesy does not mean the end of the world, but a "time account" but surely bring change to humanity.
This trip was one more proof that there are many people who believe and fight for a culture of peace. I have witnessed the grand ceremony that united brothers from countries as diverse who shared the same song, the same land with bare parts, their ofrentas to the "Great Mystery" or "Great Spirit" that works in ways so strange but that certainly has brought all these people to this sacred place. Gradually awakens the conscience of mankind, and are raising the children of the sun. A hó! So be it!.
Source: Root Magazine, Issue No. 36 (the last).