Monday, September 27, 2010

Fraction Games On Poptropica


Así que la rebelde, la que rompía con las imposiciones de la sociedad, sí quería que le propusieran matrimonio con todas las de ley. Eso me lo ha restregado en la cara mi mejor amiga, y cuando lo escuché no hice más que reir a carcajadas, y aceptarlo con la sonrisa más amplia justo cuando mi cuerpo estaba embriagado de endorfinas, y todita yo estaba completamente iluminada de la felicidad. Aquella escena en otra época me habría resultado cursi, me tomaba una chiquitolina and ran the place without ever returning, but no ... my heart was beating a mile a minute, my face flushed, but I got the seat and ran to say yes grabbing the ring and flowers.

Although the decision to get married we took the two, and it was very smooth and consensual totalmetne ... yes I was thrilled with the great detail prepared by my boyfriend. It was at a tribute concert to Julieta Venegas, singer that I love, and we were celebrating the birthday of a friend who was his accomplice in the plan. The band took the stage, stood up, took the microphone to wish happy birthday to my friend .... when he began to tell how we met and now that was just the birthday girl who introduced us, and that was that I saw clearly what was coming, so when the question jumped WANT TO BE MY PARTNER IN LIFE, will you marry me .... I had already said a thousand times, I could hardly speak a little in front of everyone, to the world. So I went on stage, taking care not to trip over cables and speakers, shaking with nerves, with the wedding march sung by the keyboardist for the band, showing him kneeling in the ring, I took it without seeing it and unable to speak I said Yes, a million times YES!.

This was the song played at the start of the concert band, very successful for the moment:). As additional data, more than 60 people in my life I have been told I look a lot like Julie so I'm starting to believe the, ha!.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Building A Floor For Aluminum Fishing Boat


To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the square Abarán torture, there will be a run Goya (the same torture but with a different costume) on Nov. 27. Cesar Jimenez, Manzanares and El Fandi kill "with lots of art" that day.
animal advocates, we fight such abuse, we will be that day in the Place de la Zarzuela, at 16:30, to express our strongest protest against this sadistic celebration. Join
, they can not defend!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Phrases For 15th Birtday Invitations

Lessons Learned Ladies. Part 1 Dogs Life

long time ago has been rediscovering the role of women in society and our responsibility to use all those virtues that God has taken to serve him, to others and generate light in this world. Each learning related to this issue, "the feminine" leads me to apply in my daily life, and the plans that I project the future. In this way as "causal" I arrived seven months ago to the Brahma Kumaris, a worldwide organization fighting for world peace, working from the individual to develop their spirituality.

The Brahma Kumaris leaders called Dadis or grandmothers are some ladies of seventy, eighty years or more, who have spent their entire life meditating, reaching mental stability, becoming very wise women who run the organization. BK Mohini Panjabi, president of BK in the United States representative to the United Nations organization was in Guayaquil last week for about four days, with the campaign "Choose Calm", created for people to channel aggression and anger, and live in peace. I had the unforgettable experience of taking a workshop on "Women Leaders in spirit" with Mohini, and other leaders of the organization at the level of Latin America, which has brought me great lessons in addition to continuing to support my spiritual growth.

The first question that began the workshop was: Why the world needs more women?. For in times of great violence, decadence, materialism, where divorce rates are higher because raw individualism, when the most popular video games are where you kill in cold blood who gets in your way, when people resort to hire an assassin to solve problems, what is the contribution of women in this world?.

Well, if you think about the inherent qualities of women, it occurs to us that may well be the tenderness, intuition, gentleness, strength, smoothness, maternal love, tenderness, devotion to the welfare of their children. Anyway, so we opened a large bag full of all these qualities, we flew a plane and scatter all over the world?. Then they might have more agreements, more dialogue, more empathy between people, would create a balance in this world so testosteronizado, not for the fact that the man is dominant, but one of the effects of this hormone is the behavior aggressive, this is what dominates the world.

But how women can keep these inherent qualities, and still be a mother, daughter, wife, friend, professional, civic, and achieve excellence in all these aspects without affecting any?. What is the secret formula that kept the wise women to achieve all this, and so far has not been shared?. Well here some lessons learned in the workshop, that separate them in a few posts.

For BK, the woman has four faces, call these facets, which must be learned and recognized, so that this can empower.

1. Ageless Face:

is to remember how we were when we were little girls, when there were concerns that troubled the lasting joy that kept the children. We must not forget that we still are, and therefore we are peaceful, spontaneous, playful, free, tender, cheerful, sweet, innocent and all those qualities that we see in children.

With meditation exercises, where beginners should be addressed, you can return to this state childish, and recognizing that we can return to that, if the passing of time and perhaps we've ever done blows no only stronger, but wary, uncertain, incredulous, and even harsh.

Some time ago I wrote a post on a union leader, who was always aggressive, bossy, even a bit vulgar, the gestures of his face were really caricature when angry. The blows he received in his life, was strong, but that should perhaps be strength of mind, took an unwanted direction, and that certainly became aggressive, irritable, leaving behind those feminine qualities to which I referred. When I wrote that post, I knew that the woman should behave in that way, it should be feminine in the sense of exploiting the qualities that God has given you as a woman, but did not know that the "face forever. "Then he tries to rescue the essence of humanity, those attributes that we had when we were babies, innocent and knowing, loving, tender, pure, finally, and above all good.

continued ...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Miosotis Boobs Stream

This was my favorite, is very intelligent and affectionate

On Saturday I found out too late about the event organized by Friends of Animals Foundation FADA in Malecon Simon Bolivar, but not for more than I ran from my house, I came when they were sweeping the place. No way, no odor the dog was only the last tuna sandwiches and with that I brought because they do not like. So I came across two volunteers of the foundation and went to the hostel, Hartnell tasks that meet religiously every week, and upon hearing this I was overcome by curiosity to know this place, so that convinced my mom and ended up adopting one such that the head could get my mother that it was better to have one of these, the farmer who she wants. Then I gave a ride to these little souls charity of the Lord who brought me to the shelter of abandoned pets, a secret hideaway not disclosed unless you are interested are to adopt, in volunteering, or to disseminate others adopt. Then we come to

mysterious place, finding the largest pack I've seen in my life! Over two hundred dogs of different sizes, ages, colors, giving priority to color candy and adults who no longer wants to adopt. I watched with great suspicion at first, afraid to approach for fear of being bitten, trapped and skinned on the spot. First came my boyfriend and seemed to be playing in a kindergarten, so I flung, I opened the gate and suddenly had twenty dogs around me, some standing on two legs, some lying face up hoping that they knead your tummy, rubbing against other legs, all seemed shouting "adóptamee!" "Me, me, me!" "I'm funnier than him!" "Got no, I'm much more thankful that I look at!". I had never received so much love for many things at once. I sat on a stool and many came so lovingly, slowly enough to enchant without getting scared. I shed some tears of feeling so much love that animals give without receiving anything in return, even dirty or crowded they were there, they only look for someone who cares a bit and give them your love.

Then I went to the area of \u200b\u200bpuppies "adoptable" because, although all are available, they are more likely to find the owner for his young age. They are a ternurita these puppies, it is impressive that everyone has a different personality, his gestures, his way of drawing attention.

the end I took a look at the area of \u200b\u200bcats, which have more than one hundred of them. Unlike the chaotic and dirty place where dogs live, by its very nature and the limited space, the area of \u200b\u200bcats radiated calm, very clean and fine them, so they are essentially refined.

is very difficult to convince my mother to adopt a mongrel dog and flea-bitten, you only have love to give, and with good bathed and flea spray would be a stuffed bear. In any case, this experience helped me to reaffirm my love for animals, and to share with the people I know, about this refuge, and hopefully many of these pets are adopted by people of good heart.

FADA For more information, adoption of strays, a dispensary, and other work carried out by the foundation, enter .

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This was the anti-bullfighting demonstration in Murcia on September 12 Antitaurino

About 200 people expressed their revulsion at animal torture Square face torture in the concentration Murcia convened on Sunday 12 September.

The event, organized by the Anti-bullfighting Southeast Coordinator, pointed out that we are increasingly irrational those who reject these festivities.

For two hours, those who came to the plaza to enjoy the slaughter to take place inside, they could see that the detractors of the party mobilize and fight against it. It could read slogans like "Torture is not art nor culture", "Why do you enjoy torturing to death?" And listen to slogans such as "less violence and more intelligence," mistreatment of animals, national shame, "" go education you give to your children "," Murcia and its region, bullfighting abolition. " Many of the bulls did not hesitate to rebuke with all kinds of insults, finger samples and violent behavior, seeking confrontation, but only as responses were peaceful slogans against torture.
Murcia is awakening ...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Running T-shirts Women Funny Sayins


your indifference makes you an accomplice

Antitaurino Lorca calls on all people see those "celebrations" a horrible act of torture and death at a concentration Lorca, the next Sunday 19 at 16:30 hrs next to the Plaza de Torture of Lorca.
In a few years have fallen by half bullfights in our Region Murcia, although since the ban in Catalonia, Murcia musty, nostalgic bullfighting are spreading and increasing their torture wherever it can, after Calasparra and Murcia, Lorca jumps on the chariot of death, increasing this year the number of these bloody celebrations in previous years. Join
, advocates for victims!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Kates Playground Playing In The Tub

perfect divine order in the Mysteries of the sun

This month I've had so many emotions and feelings that I do not know where to start. Is about one of the most important moments of my life, the big step I've finally decided to to enter another stage. My Aunt Lucy said that the two most important decisions in life are the career or activity that you want to spend, and the man with whom you share your life. And her aunt was not wrong, but forgot to say that the emotions I was going to bring this second decision, would be incomparably stronger first.

Planning the wedding has been full of lists of activities, budgets, appointments with decorators and such things, but beyond that day to plan, during this process we learned more about the two, we had a difficult time now they are evidence that God gives us to get ahead, so there is no doubt the way we are taking. These days have served to strengthen us spiritually and build the pillars of marriage, worth the solemnity of the terms, since this is the most serious issue that I can speak.

I must confess I had moments of great panic, while many times preferred to avoid the issue of the wedding, and that terrified me think of the thousands of preparations that should be listed and who were vaguely in my head, besides the money had to spend, which at this time is somewhat limited. The "wedding panic" came over me, until one day a deep breath and talk about all the things that frightened me, and they had to do with planning but there was deep uncertainty of greatly distressed me, because they used to enforce some order in my life and have control over events that were taking place, this time I felt I did not know what would happen .. . I felt like I was launching into space.

After thousands of useless thoughts invaded my head, my spiritual father sat me down one day to tell me about life. And yes, it was true that I was throwing the empty ... but most people do not know that's what you're doing when making the decision to marry and then have a life plan, how many children to have, how they will live, where you're going to do but plans are for then we realize what we missed do not serve these to follow, and you can not know what happens next, as it nobody knows. He talked about what the first years with his beloved Ma Isabel, and his eyes began to moisten, after more than thirty years I had the simplicity with which they started and if it was true that some of the plans did not become reality, it did not matter because everything was in perfect divine order, they have each other, their children, the joy of enjoying every day, and satisfaction and help this little walker.

There are things we can not control, and is completely useless to think of what will happen tomorrow. This woman schematic, which is bitten by a relaxed but in fact, like everyone, need certainty, has learned a big lesson ....

Finally, the most important question: if I love him and he to me? A resounding YES infinite, a thousand times YES! That is the only certainty I need. Now that the opposite of love is fear, and where there is love there are no fears.

continued ...