After exactly two months after marriage, I run into a blog post Paloma Bravo , I've been following recently. Here, a pamphlet purportedly from the 50 'of guidance to be a good wife. It is obviously just made a joke aimed at the modern woman for very sarcastic tone that reminds you of the role that some once had. In any event, the theme suits me to reflect a little on some things I've been experiencing for the past two months ....
I remembered the words that some years ago told me Maria Leonor Jiménez on the issue of gender equity in the daily life of a married woman:
"We never leave the key responsibilities of the family did not abandon the task that they are well cared for, fed, comforted, counseled, they are beloved. What did the women was overloaded addition to this activity, we assume the task that was exclusive to them and we have double and triple duty, we are able to do everything. ".
I'll never forget those wise words Maria Leonor, and now in this new phase of my life I have them read a thousand times to avoid mistakes of failed pairs, not knowing well the lead roles of each.
Daily I run single people, divorced, or living in unhappy relationships between couples, and to learn from my recent change in marital status react with discouraging words "ooh, do not know what you got ", which reminds me I can not be one of them, I must find a formula to reconcile this to be a modern woman, to create a healthy home in my role as wife. And then, seeing These graphs model wife of 50 'because I do not want to be that and charges with my professional obligations and work (I've met a couple of crazy to do try to be everything) and Maria Leonor said. That's one the reasons why many professional women today do not dream or joke about getting married, burdened by fear and end up living a hectic life, fulfilling all.
I think that instead of figuring out how to be the "bride of the century", talk more about what should be the "husband of the century", which is vital for a relationship at this time to work. That kind of man escacea in our country and I suppose in Latin America due to this figure of "macho latino" Though much has gone, still survives. Not for nothing many women I know, inside and outside of my family have married foreign men who are wrongly called mandarins here.
The problem is that society does not promote this figure of the husband who performed household chores, cooking, which washing dishes, and also is proud of the achievements of his partner. In advertising, television, shown as a positive male figure retailer, romantic, scented, well-dressed man can be much more than that, in order to have healthy relationships and a good example for their children.
So instead of wondering what it means to be the wife of the XXI century, we should ask everyone how they should be the husband of the XXI century. Essential if you want to live healthy and lasting relationships.