Friday, April 21, 2006

What It Cost Install Dvd In Van

working distance Colujna

a long time ago that did not fulfill my duty to raise any comments, but since there is no deadline is not met and ... here I am.
I tell you this last time but I could not physically be in the South Orchard, I've been busy with a number of commitments, as a service, we take last year with the territory and its people.
The terms of reference for the entrepreneurship program and were sent to central level and just have the corresponding resolution, call for tender.
As for training in dehydrated also talked a while ago, were channeled through otic remnants, ie agencies that administer funds business franchise tax, of which we now have news in May.
The first call to Foncap and came out and hope you have 2 more in the year tenders.
That is, until now, the offer we have been working for the territory. We hope we will be ok with the plan presented to Chilemprende, which we have greater resources to meet people with whom we have generated links affection and commitment at work.
hope soon to be not only distance but also personally involved in what happens in the territory. Salu2
from Temuco.


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