These days I have felt that 26 years have not gone in vain that they called "maturity" and that even recently could only be a word spoken by someone who was scolding me, now I'm living a reality. Already sensed, even a vendor and had called me "ma'am" and may not remember having this corrected. Already got the laughter of my "best", when I saw that old woman walking in my work uniform, the arm of my boyfriend, small step along the Malecon. Since I have a place my room for my "medicine", including the liver vitamins, iron tablets, vitamin c, and other drugs of first necessity, but rather it responds to hypochondria comes from much earlier.
I would not have paused to reflect much on the subject, had it not been for the revelation received some weeks ago. At a vigil that was part of an Andean ceremony, formed a circle around a campfire where we sang, we asked desires and intentions, guided by "Allpa" in a place that was surrounded by mountains, an archaeological site had been home Canari culture. This was not the first time I took aguacoya, yet another experience in that I was severely punished by the apus and Pacha Mama, by not remaining in waking and violate the rules of the ceremony. Not only that I had no revelation, but he suffered a week of hives all over my body, no one else in the group felt. This second time, I would claim, so even tough to get tired, I stayed up all night waiting until I reveal the mystery of the agüitacoya. And at some point during the night, when I looked into the depths of that fiery, lost logs and timbers, and the flame disappeared from the fire, instead, appeared a golden ears, large ears of corn, stacked one upon another, and the smallest in the soil, and at the sight I just rubbed my eyes because I refused to see him, wanted to see sticks and wood burning, but they refused to appear, leaping to my eyes those beautiful ears.
The vigil continued with dancing, drumming, singing, much euphoria around the fire. Another thing I learned tonight, was to assess the fire, because the fact of seeing their colors and shapes, whether a simple flame, is a very relaxing experience. Also, somehow I remembered that my ancestors prized fire because on cold nights, he gathered family and friends, and was part of the party.
The next day I asked "Allpa" on the vision of golden ears, and he was happy for me, I said it was a great revelation that, as it meant maturity and harvest at this time which gives thanks for fruit, because that is the result you received on your way to travel.
I would not have paused to reflect much on the subject, had it not been for the revelation received some weeks ago. At a vigil that was part of an Andean ceremony, formed a circle around a campfire where we sang, we asked desires and intentions, guided by "Allpa" in a place that was surrounded by mountains, an archaeological site had been home Canari culture. This was not the first time I took aguacoya, yet another experience in that I was severely punished by the apus and Pacha Mama, by not remaining in waking and violate the rules of the ceremony. Not only that I had no revelation, but he suffered a week of hives all over my body, no one else in the group felt. This second time, I would claim, so even tough to get tired, I stayed up all night waiting until I reveal the mystery of the agüitacoya. And at some point during the night, when I looked into the depths of that fiery, lost logs and timbers, and the flame disappeared from the fire, instead, appeared a golden ears, large ears of corn, stacked one upon another, and the smallest in the soil, and at the sight I just rubbed my eyes because I refused to see him, wanted to see sticks and wood burning, but they refused to appear, leaping to my eyes those beautiful ears.
The vigil continued with dancing, drumming, singing, much euphoria around the fire. Another thing I learned tonight, was to assess the fire, because the fact of seeing their colors and shapes, whether a simple flame, is a very relaxing experience. Also, somehow I remembered that my ancestors prized fire because on cold nights, he gathered family and friends, and was part of the party.
The next day I asked "Allpa" on the vision of golden ears, and he was happy for me, I said it was a great revelation that, as it meant maturity and harvest at this time which gives thanks for fruit, because that is the result you received on your way to travel.

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