These days, after the unfortunate death of the child Boats, fashionable theme in all media and in daily conversation, is the widespread violence in our city, and high crime rates. We had another gear, and appeared again with his speech Mayor savior, and the government sent armed forces to guard the city and police reinforcements were sent, we're living again the same history of the last years, or have already forgotten when the girl died Fabre, or when the girl died Poppe, and others that escape me at the time. The truth is that violence is a widespread problem, it affects everyone regardless of social class, only in such cases as visible and that's when it causes anger. It is evident that when the victim is middle class up, the issue of insecurity became a priority, and that's when you get up protests, we analyze the causes, are claimed immediate solutions, and seek answers cookbook .
This company is very much like a person who suffers from stress, widespread dissatisfaction, irascible reactions, moodiness, which has no peace, which has a divided family, which spends more than it earns, not living but survives, Fortified weekends, he is unfaithful to his partner who depressed, etc. This prototype is a perfect product of excessive consumption and / or lack of values. Urgently needed spiritual guidance, clear your mind and your being, let your mind blank and re-learn to live, following a long process to heal the spiritual sickness that destroys it, learn and practice values \u200b\u200bthat lead to a full life. But very few see it that way then do not choose that path, but seek immediate solutions to act as a pill automatic switch and complete with all its problems, a lottery winner Guachito, the man-woman of his dreams, the perfect job, the car of the year, etc. and will remain so immersed in that life miserable.
With the society is the same, that pill or Guachito winner is represented by a good president to become that instrument that leads to the first power, that foreign investment will provide employment to all, a cop who ends with crime and judicial authorities to prove that the mess all in jail (as we do out there?). It's sad face reality, and that none of these panaceas will not fix our country, if the change does not start from each of the individuals from the poorest to the richest, from the youngest to the oldest. Crime is only the most visible form of moral degradation which we live, is what directly affects all but the flaws and lack of values \u200b\u200bof each is what gives life to this monster of society.
Within the major defects that affect the society are:
Greed: Much has been said that poverty is not the cause of crime. Greed is the desire to have more and more, with minimum effort and easier. You want to handle a new car, have a LCD 42 ', a blackberry bold, a big house without the means to acquire them. You envy the neighbor because he built a better house, and do the impossible to match. Is the source of corruption, disrespect for others and property that has honestly acquired.
The unrestrained pursuit of pleasure : I mean any kind of pleasure, from sleep, get drunk, have sex, eat rich, dance, travel, etc. In this society are prioritized such pleasures, rather than others such as such as learning a craft, a profession that you proud, use your mind on something production, etc.
The pleasure should be a reward, and keep proportions, no?. That rich sleep late on Sunday after having had a productive week, take a glass of wine from time to time to share with friends, having full sex with your partner and live an experience of communion without having to look at strangers, eat rich and healthy still unfinished after gorging until the filling (and run for the alka seltzer), traveling as a reward for hard working period has been its fruits.
But in this society, priority is given to pleasure, as in the capsule of a diversion program which motto was "We live for this stuff" and try to live all, when community living is achieved through the hard teamwork, planning, commitment, not to parties every week, not suck, which is what see most neighborhoods.
and wonder, what I mean values, or where you learn them. As much as I heard a yogi qu recently. Humans are born with values \u200b\u200bsuch as honesty, humility, contentment, respect, etc, and if you have a good upbringing which is not necessarily dependent on religion (I know atheist families with high moral standards), the retained by forever. The problem is when they are lost, and we are spiritually sick, and symptoms of this disease is the lack of discernment between good and evil, or total disinterest in acting for the well, succumbing to the vices to deteriorate morally.
that this society is full of spiritual ill. And you can do to heal? Personally, my values \u200b\u200beducation I owe to my family first, but in the way I was inevitably involved in this machine called consumerism, wrapped in toxic relationships, I felt a spiritual emptiness, depression, conformity, and that ' I met a person that is very important, is my spiritual guide, and he and his wife taught me to be happy no matter what happens, and much more. Then I met Brahma Kumaris organization, with the sole aim of helping people, and achieving world peace, taught her valuable lessons on meditation and values, to anyone interested. Lately I have known about the evangelical religion, and now see it as a very supportive community, strong values, customs, many of whom do not share but respect. In any case, there are many paths, but the initial step is to create awareness, and thus be part of change.
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