Sunday, April 24, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Feeling Of Cervix Before Period
is time to return to the essence of nature *

not forget that the higher you are watching *

Who will tell me where is the ceiling? *


Small everyday things *


A single language *

Approaching the end of an era *

Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Can I Carpet My Truck
Newspapers, killings, justice and blah blah

"La ignorancia es atrevida" dice un adagio popular. Y es que basta con prender la televisión y ver uno de esos programas de noticias donde cualquier periodista (esto en el mejor de los casos) se convierte en constitucionalista, penalista, criminólogo, sociólogo entre otras especialidades del conocimiento muy alejadas de su saber y entender. No hay respeto al televidente, y la osadía es tan grande que no sienten la más mínima vergüenza de presentarse ante las cámaras y decir cualquier cosa, lo que sale de su hígado.
Ayer precisamente no recuerdo en qué canal, entrevistaron "specialists" in the subject of contract killings, and lo and behold I see a lawyer speaking for the Judicial Police outside catching some cases, without detracting from their work, not a criminologist or sociologist to talk about it. I do not care to do a thorough investigation, which takes time, dedication and great professionalism, so I prefer to go to the easy, cheap reportage, and finally to improvisation. Gentlemen, here in the city is a School of Criminology, Faculty of Sociology. Dr. Rene Astudillo, excellent researcher has a book about the killings, in which several cases are analyzed, and none mentioned that the reason for this is poverty, As I heard yesterday Luisa Delgadillo and company.
sicarato The issue deserves a thorough analysis, which can not be done looking at society from afar, as a foreigner, but making a criticism. In the press, in editorials, in the analysis that appear in the media, is treated as an alien assassin who came to this country with these bad habits, a soulless being heartless enemy. Not treated as a citizen, a man (I know not a case of hired assassins in this country) who was born here and that is the product of this society in a state of putrefaction.
Among the cases that I personally knew in my work on killings, they shuffled the following theories: Debt (usually chulqueros), cache or unhealthy relationships, bad deal between crooks, or general to "end conflict ", well the saying goes" dead dogs, dead of rabies. "
One hypothesis that I venture to suggest, is that the killings are a form of self in society, in the absence of efficient agencies of justice in which citizens can trust. This distrust of the justice provided by the state through the function Judicial has existed since who knows when, but the truth is that the heterocomposición which is an evolution of civilization, we have regressed to the self-composition, to take justice into their own hands. In this phenomenon, we must add the lack of values \u200b\u200bprevailing in this society, where about winning no matter the means, where pride is heavier than the life of a human being.
is such a denial in which we live, whenever we talk about the judiciary, pointed directly to criminal justice, leaving prisoners without trial, to "corrupt judge" who released for that crime, the offender has left jail more than twenty times, etc. Of course, once again the ease of the press and the news is there in the Police Juducial, ready to be caught and transmitted, without much depth. Little is said about civil justice, labor, commercial, children, etc..
civil justice for example, walking at a pace so slow that an ordinary trial could easily take 6 years at best, with the risk of losing so is right, because corruption that exists and why not, sometimes due to a mediocre lawyer of which there are plenty. Magistrates, who are supposed to solve judgments smallest amount, and there must be in an amount commensurate to the population, distributed in the country, are reflected from the Constitution of 1998 until today has not opened the first Justice of the Peace.
Then why you take justice into their own hands? Why do these aliens have been hired to end the peace of this country? Collective schizophrenia is what reigns in this country, and his press spokesman mediocre.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Corrugated Fencing Ideas
Self-knowledge and healing of women declining Activism

During the last month I had a experience has made me think a lot about him femininity, and on something as we like menstruation. It is terrible to listen to some women when they are in their days say they are "sick" or to mask the cramps or any complications that this entails, saying that it is another thing. In modern times in which we live, the woman is less likely to feel what this stage of our hormonal cycle, often treating it as a fault of ours, so common these days hear us say "God, why I became a man!" . Then, go to market super absorbent towels that neither you remember you're in those days, buffers for this error of nature does not take away pleased to get you to the sea, pool, sports, etc., or the pills that the slightest sign of menstrual cramps all the pain disappear.
I lived like one of those women that I just described, when I was in "my day", however in recent months I have become aware of the mistake I made. It began with a recurrent urinary tract infection, which is one of the diseases in women manifistan as yeast vaginitis, the bertolinitis, cervicitis, and others that I have started to investigate, which in most cases have nothing to do with disease transmission (STDs). In any case, these are caused by the lack of women, of their own physiology, and hence the lack of certain care that unlike men, women should have. Partly also in my opinion, the denial of womanhood, and the rejection of menstruation, so much so that it is a bad thing, as a manufacturing defect.
So I decided to change back in time to that in which the wise women themselves were accepted, so be aware that your herbs, teas and oils could cure any of its ills and discomfort of us. I searched the internet and found a wonderful book called "Manual of Gynecology Natural" written by Rina Nissim over twenty years ago but has joined Evergreen effective. The book is the result of the author's experiences in the Women's Clinic of Geneva, and the application of "self-help" is not nothing but meet and heal itself, a concept as old as humanity itself, in its introduction explains:
"self-help movement was born out of awareness of the provision of an immense knowledge and power of healing that women have been victim to the benefit of the caste of physicians. The witches were burned because they knew too much and, later, medicine women cornered in menial roles: nurses physiotherapists, pharmacy assistants "
Again, the book was written over 20 years and currently has more representation of women in medicine, yet many gynecologists study and apply methods done by men. Nissim notes that what is usually done is to cure the symptoms without addressing the origin, overuse of synthetic hormones, not increased attention to food greatly affects the disorders and diseases of women, and sometimes overestimate discomfort with self and a few ancient knowledge we can heal.
Since I've been reading this book I threw it away pads, now use some fabric I bought here and experience my hormonal cycle by accepting, as a blessing that prepared me for motherhood . I remember an Andean ceremony in which we recommended deliver blood to the earth as a gift, since it is life that we are taking, and it's even poetic ritual. You must also respect this time, despite occupations should be more relaxed, not having sex these days. I even heard that there is technical joins in for your body so that you can control the flow, and barely feel it go to the bathroom and does not require thick towels.
Finally, I write these lines to share this experience with many women, so that more of us may have a fuller life with more acceptance of themselves, and so are some wise women who can share this knowledge with others, and to leave an inheritance to their daughters.
I will hang two gifts in this post, first recipe is very effective the UTI (urinary tract infection) and the other is the Natural Guide Obstetrics Rina Nissim, I hope they serve.
Plantain (leaves and stems)
1 lemon
1 tablespoon honey
Chop plantain leaves both very thin as the stem, then take to a mortar and crush until it comes out Abstract. Bring the contents to a very thin piece of cloth which is used as a sieve, sifting out all the herbs to extract. Add the lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey. This extract should be taken for seven days in the morning and fasting. Not be prepared and saved, but take fresh ingredients. After seven days, seven days rest, and repeat this routine three times.
Click the file to download the Manual of Gynecology Natural Rina Nissim:
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