"La ignorancia es atrevida" dice un adagio popular. Y es que basta con prender la televisión y ver uno de esos programas de noticias donde cualquier periodista (esto en el mejor de los casos) se convierte en constitucionalista, penalista, criminólogo, sociólogo entre otras especialidades del conocimiento muy alejadas de su saber y entender. No hay respeto al televidente, y la osadía es tan grande que no sienten la más mínima vergüenza de presentarse ante las cámaras y decir cualquier cosa, lo que sale de su hígado.
Ayer precisamente no recuerdo en qué canal, entrevistaron "specialists" in the subject of contract killings, and lo and behold I see a lawyer speaking for the Judicial Police outside catching some cases, without detracting from their work, not a criminologist or sociologist to talk about it. I do not care to do a thorough investigation, which takes time, dedication and great professionalism, so I prefer to go to the easy, cheap reportage, and finally to improvisation. Gentlemen, here in the city is a School of Criminology, Faculty of Sociology. Dr. Rene Astudillo, excellent researcher has a book about the killings, in which several cases are analyzed, and none mentioned that the reason for this is poverty, As I heard yesterday Luisa Delgadillo and company.
sicarato The issue deserves a thorough analysis, which can not be done looking at society from afar, as a foreigner, but making a criticism. In the press, in editorials, in the analysis that appear in the media, is treated as an alien assassin who came to this country with these bad habits, a soulless being heartless enemy. Not treated as a citizen, a man (I know not a case of hired assassins in this country) who was born here and that is the product of this society in a state of putrefaction.
Among the cases that I personally knew in my work on killings, they shuffled the following theories: Debt (usually chulqueros), cache or unhealthy relationships, bad deal between crooks, or general to "end conflict ", well the saying goes" dead dogs, dead of rabies. "
One hypothesis that I venture to suggest, is that the killings are a form of self in society, in the absence of efficient agencies of justice in which citizens can trust. This distrust of the justice provided by the state through the function Judicial has existed since who knows when, but the truth is that the heterocomposición which is an evolution of civilization, we have regressed to the self-composition, to take justice into their own hands. In this phenomenon, we must add the lack of values \u200b\u200bprevailing in this society, where about winning no matter the means, where pride is heavier than the life of a human being.
is such a denial in which we live, whenever we talk about the judiciary, pointed directly to criminal justice, leaving prisoners without trial, to "corrupt judge" who released for that crime, the offender has left jail more than twenty times, etc. Of course, once again the ease of the press and the news is there in the Police Juducial, ready to be caught and transmitted, without much depth. Little is said about civil justice, labor, commercial, children, etc..
civil justice for example, walking at a pace so slow that an ordinary trial could easily take 6 years at best, with the risk of losing so is right, because corruption that exists and why not, sometimes due to a mediocre lawyer of which there are plenty. Magistrates, who are supposed to solve judgments smallest amount, and there must be in an amount commensurate to the population, distributed in the country, are reflected from the Constitution of 1998 until today has not opened the first Justice of the Peace.
Then why you take justice into their own hands? Why do these aliens have been hired to end the peace of this country? Collective schizophrenia is what reigns in this country, and his press spokesman mediocre.
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