Friday, January 27, 2006

Ga Dept Of Labor Unemployment Certification

Hernán Maturana

Dear friends, certainly did not call you "column on Thursday " as it comes out any day except Thursday. I tell them that we met last Tuesday a "small technical committee" to define our 2006 work plan will present to Chile undertaken jointly with the budget necessary for implementation. The strength of this presentation will largely depend on us to consider the contribution they are asked to Chile Embark. Part of the task, which is the self of the territory had already been done before. Take to thank Eduardo González received the attention that day, which undoubtedly made the work more pleasant. Also on Tuesday we met some of the work of Yvette, in regard to corporate image, I imagine that next week will definitely penalize the subject. As you can see is steady on his feet in the right direction and we take this year to give a quantitative and qualitative leap in the territory and thus face 2007 with a sufficient basis to consolidate and not a pop territory as we define but a territory and advanced. Until the next and enjoy those summer vacation.


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