Monday, January 30, 2006

Ma Crunk Energy Drink

expectations and possibilities of working together. Column

Expectations and possibilities of working together.

Last Tuesday we had a meeting at the office of SERCOTEC to tune the last details of the self Chilemprende. At this meeting, attended by four municipal units responsible for Local Development or Promoting Production: Isaiah, Cristian, and Sergio Wladimir.
First, his attendance at the meeting conclude that they see an opportunity to desarrolllar Chilemprende territory, a possibility of different public services operated jointly until today was even difficult to call.
Second, his speech, I was struck by how common their views, with hints of course, but the approach is very similar development, areas of possible interventions are repeated.
Third, they know and how each one as they have been working association of municipalities in North Malleco.
Conclusion: we as public-private regional board must seize this tremendous opportunity to work together with these four characters involved in the development of the province.

To finish my column on Monday, attached to you an interesting article by the magazine Capital these days about the upgrades in the field. Read the final "new fruit" to be sold in the market.
Hugs, Eduardo

Forget the romantic image of farmers and their crops. Instead the producers "planted" real factories, industries and laboratories, where nothing is left to chance. Today in rural areas there is an air of sophistication-sado unthinkable decades ago and with that card modernity the fruits of the earth are shipped worldwide. The field, despite the dollar and its vicissitudes, was chimenea.Aunque in the field, given the low dollar price, spirits are not going to celebrate, the pace is still frenetic, crops and continue to add and the ranking of Chilean exports to the world, this sector shines with its own colors. Without going any further, in the year just passed are few who can complain about not grow. Please note: a world in December sales exceeded 8,000 billion, 13% above the exercise Previous including seafood, and it is expected that in 2006 the growth rate reaches 10%. The reason for this growth is not about only through the generosity of the land or the wonder of time. If agricultural production has increased in volume, variety and quality is because it takes decades to reinvent itself to compete ... Just look at the land from north to south to realize that: the romantic image of the field with oxen is very little. In their place have sprung industries, technology and labs, and 4x4, refrigerators and satellite took the land. In the imagination of farmers settled the idea that Chile is, for the bicentennial, an agricultural power, with sales of 17 billion dollars or más.Para that have been prepared, and strong. As said Luis Schmidt, president of the SNA, from the years 2000, investments in the sector are estimated at 1,000 million dollars per year. However, if the country wants to continue to collar on world markets can not afford to lower our guard. Less now that the windows of the developed countries are open to local products, with the help of commercially processed and the growing demand for healthy foods and confiables.Y that is where Chile has its advantages, according to Schmidt. Because of size, he argues, it is likely that no territorial limitations den to think about competing with huge volumes. The choice then is differentiated by quality. Milk quality demanded by the Chinese and vegetables consumed in Japan as the Europeans buying berries and nuts and almonds called for in India, and quality and safety in meat sold in Israel. Examples abound. The grace of Chile is that found its niche and can also ensure that phytosanitary products are reliable. Not all have the same story and that is the source of the great potential of agri-food sector, which according to official information is one of the highest growth rates in the world: over 100% in the last decade. Agriculture-points Ariztía-businessman Ricardo has had a brutal change. "That has had its costs, and high costs, a lot of people who have fallen by the wayside. But have in-trade other players and I, I walk around the world, I dare say that most of the items Chile is a leader in production. "We did the tour of different industries and met with several surprises. From packings technologized to one hundred percent, palms of traceability in the field, freezing plants art, art machinery for preparing land and planting fruit and incubators, to wine cellars or-ganized according to Feng Shui, ATMs the dairy business and a host of other innovations definitely changed the Chilean countryside. Laboratory
wines are stealing the film for nearly two decades and its exports reached 900 million dollars in 2005. In the nineteenth century technology that lasted-not lost-until well into the 80, is running very little. In the sector say the first changes came from Spain, along with Miguel Torres, who in the 70's brought the first stainless steel tanks. Over time, new players joined the traditional Concha y Toro, Santa Rita, San Pedro and Undurraga, to name algunos.Pero if the wine has become a thriving industry and earned a place in the global ranking of emerging markets , was not only because he had to hand the latest technology. A case that stands out is that of Viña Montes, formed by Alfredo Vidal, Aurelio Montes and Douglas Murray, all former executives of large companies dared from scratch in the late 80's. Knowing that 70 or 80% of the wine quality is achieved in the paddock, picked with tweezers climates, the sides and corners to ensure an exceptional product. In their search they found Apalta, an area where not only were vines, but also very little space for planting. Against all odds, they bought 140 acres in the valley, of which 110 correspond to slopes, literally perched on the hill with vines. They were pioneers, says Vidaurre.En Apalta nothing works by chance. Twice a year, Montes hires a satellite to take detailed pictures of the places where crop production and work better. And around the site there are five meteorological stations installed to monitor rainfall, wind speed and humidity ambiental.La winery story in itself. With an investment of $ 7.5 million is equipped with the best technology in the world. To work with the finest wines, Forestry occupies small tanks, from 7,500 to 15,000 liters, well below the industry standard, between 60 000 and 80 ml liters. Also, as does Opus One, the joint Rots venture between Mondavi and international-child-is proving to fermentation tanks and French oak inoxidable.Para steel not that everything goes perfect, the company implemented a system of his own invention called "gravitational signal flow, which is to harness the force of gravity to prevent the wine is pumped and suffered some damage during transport to the barrels. How it works Simple: when you want to change the wine of Cuba to another, place the pot in a lift and pour the product where it belongs. And as the partners do not want to leave loose ends, hired the best Feng Shui expert in the country and ordered the winery in accordance with the guidelines of this technique East. "And it really has a spirit that positively affects the wine," says Vidal.

country berryLa The worldwide trend is clear. The inhabitants of the developed areas are choosing natural and healthy food, a "fashion" that Chilean producers of berries will come in handy. Victor Moller and John Sutil were the first to realize that almost 25 years ago. Today they are world leaders through Hortifrut, where he is Al-Fons Swett.Los berries, they say in the SNA-have taken much of the south-central areas of the country. All grace, because his crop is not what is called easy. The technology, therefore has been key to turn it into a business. The strawberry is the only clear example. Traditionally located in the Rapel region, the production of this fruit came and went for the weather. And between good and bad years, I could not lift his head. To make matters worse, the image was not very dignified, it was said they were watered with very clean waters and its consumption was riesgoso.Con time farmers doubled her hand to the stigma. This is the case of brothers Eduardo and Alejandro de Pinochet Pinochet, which transformed agricultural fields-cultural family in Rome, before dedicated to livestock and vegetables, the largest Chilean producer of strawberries, with a total of 4,500 tons per year and returns by nearly $ 7 million annually. There are 60 hectares, the total of 520 that managed-dedicated to this crop, with techniques that have nothing to envy of developed countries like Unidos.Partieron States six years ago and it brought a cutting-edge machinery that allowed them leave behind the old formula of making ridges (small hills of soil) to shovel and then fertilized by hand. Tractors that run through their fields not only make the task at a rate three times higher than the former, but also for irrigation tape installed with deep well water, fertilizer injectors and leave the earth-not ready to receive the plants, which yield climbs to 70 tons per hectare, far from the 25 who formerly were obtained in the same superficie.La grace of the Pinochet-giving em-ployment to about a thousand workers per season, not just that. A little over a year set up a plant for its frozen berries, from where friendly products to Canada, USA, Japan and China. And they want to grow, despite the low dollar price.

milk on an industrial scale anyone imagined that Chile exported cheese? Or that the Chileans be leaving to Europe to learn the secrets of the industry and then sell to the French themselves? The truth is that in the 80's and co
ning of the 90's, when milk production was low, that was something unthinkable. Not today. There is plenty of milk and dairy export more over a total of $ 100 million. And it seems that will creciendo.El sector has been modernized in all its stages, from growing to manufacturing processes, and now yields are several times higher than those of decades ago. Carlos Heller, chief executive of Agricultural Ancali-owned Parmalat and Haras Don Alberto, among other things, puts it succinctly: "In the case of traditional dairies, most business was the ownership and management were concentrated in one family group, which for generations was responsible for operating and managing the business with a mass not exceeding to 350 milking animals. The dairy business will always be identified with narrow margins. "A similar view has Colún general manager, Eduardo Carrasco. "The manual milking, the milk cans beside the road, cows 3 thousand liters per year and low stocking rates per hectare were typical of traditional agriculture. Today, processes are highly technical, mechanical milking rooms, cooling ponds for daily collection of milk cows more than 8 billion gallons per year and high yields per hectare, "dice.Pero the dairy and industrial field changed. In the south, Ancali developed a management model focused on a final product of high quality, high volume, demanding goals per animal and a tracking system that provides access to the most demanding markets in the future, "said Heller.Las processing facilities that have the company, it is said, are the most modern America. Cases like this are few. Soprole-controlled by the multinational, Fonterra, has announced an investment of $ 25 million in a plant to increase capacity 33% milk powder processing in Osorno and duplicate shipments so far done outdoors. The company also is working on the Prairie Project, which aims to introduce seasonal production techniques less costo.Las technologies have taken the business. Today is not uncommon to hear a milkman say that your company has SAP technology, through which can shorten the cycle from customer order through production and delivery. In Colún, which last year exported $ 12 million in cheese, whey and milk powder, feature-gull or how modernization has allowed them to grow. Innovations "gravitating" as the general manager are called, for example, artificial insemination to improve herd, development of software for reproductive control of animals and what they call the "Colunmático", a type ATM machines installed automatic input sales agencies that facilitate the management of online information on topics such as milk quality and volume for Ancali entrega.En, working with high global standards: rotary mechanical milking and individual identification production and life cycle of animals, with emphasis on the concepts of animal welfare and food courts of large-scale (more than a thousand cows), with all the logistics, technology and operational development used in the leading countries in milk production. Today they are in the process of implementing the management and disposal of waste. Packings and

avocado, full revoluciónEl packing is one of the technological revolutions of our field. That depends on all the aroma, freshness and quality of Chilean products arrive in perfect condition
abroad. An example is pre-calibrated machines, which allow you to select automatically by size and color of fruit, and even by default. If you could be classified manually before 20 or 25 types of apples today selected 40 variedades.La temperature also plays a role. Today the same cameras that provide cold to prevent deterioration of the fruit used to produce heat. A few years ago used to send low-ripening nectarines to endure the long journey, but now the market requires them to get perfectly ripe and juicy and so is passed to this fruit by heat and humidity chambers. As an egg in an incubator. One of the packers that currently use this technology is Rucaray, Achurra Ramon and Miguel Road. Here, by "stove", fans and water remain ripening rooms to 25 degrees with a humidity of 80%. Tropical heat for 48 hours to perfect fruit. Hence, exportación.Otra rápidamenæte to innovation is the use of modified atmosphere packaging, where oxygen levels down will prevent certain bacteria from reproducing and slows the star maduración.Pero recent years is the traceability, which means tracking a foods from harvest until the minute it reaches the consumer. What is expected now traceability chips-a-way a tag can be identified automatically and on-line data producto.Salimos all the packing and come back to earth to highlight to the Chilean avocado. Today we are the leading exporter, ahead of Mexico and the United States. In its cultivation technologies have been applied in other countries like the U.S. and improved planting techniques, even in the hillsides. Thanks to modern irrigation, to the best quality and method of delivery of fertilizers and improved technique for pruning of trees, harvest products was achieved higher quality and size. Before the new applications, one hectare could get to have 70 large "trees" with abundant but small fruits. Today, one hectare can have between 500 and 1,000 "plants", which makes harvesting much cheaper and has allowed a significant improvement in the caliber. "The density is unthinkable that we have elsewhere," said Pedro Tomás Allende (son), producer and vice chairman of the Avocado. The challenges are now seeking new technologies in the world and raise awareness of this product internationally, it is still not very popular. Don

PíoHace 20 years had to wait more than two months to get a chicken for nearly 3 kilos. Today, with the improvement in the quality of food, enough only 47 days to obtain a copy of the same conditions. Is that changes in recent years to start raising chickens in the crib. Or rather, in the shell. The eggs are placed in incubators, bullfights computer monitor, keeping perfectly controlled levels of temperature, humidity and ventilation according to the needs of pollito.Ya born, the chicks are sexed and separated by sex wards, which are by weight may differ according to different market needs. These facilities have thermal insulation systems and advanced ventilation technology controlled by automatic weather stations-cally react according to the climate changes ticos. These facilities are strategically located away from possible illnesses and high bio-security measures and restricting the entry of visitors in order to provide the best conditions to international markets. Responsible for the industrial revolution in the sector, chickens and pigs shipments sum of $ 450 million, is Agrosuper, the businessman Gonzalo Vial. The new fruits

• Chile Truffles: One hundred percent boutique. It is a fungus that lives and grows on the roots of trees such as hazel, and already being grown in Chile. Agrobiotruf dared to culture and are already planted several hectares. It is estimated that on average can get up to 40 kilos per hectare. And as a kilo is sold for a minimum of 500 euros investment is recovered in a few years. Hint: the harvest is done smell dogs trained to find truffles mature. • Virgin, pure: Harvesting. But awards. This can summarize the last years of the olive oil production in Chile and abroad. Although the amount produced is still low, as Chileans look at all latitudes, even ahead of some Italian and English in the competitions. The export growth has been spectacular. Estimates of ChileOliva for 2010 shipments of this product should reach 10 million. • Flowers power: A growth industry is the production of flower bulbs for export. With the proliferation in vitro, finished in special greenhouses, planters mechanized harvesting and cold storage, the Chilean specimens have been well known for their quality in the Netherlands. • Butterflies perfect: Chile is in sixth place world ranking in exports of nuts . With prices only exceeded by the French varieties, the Chilean nut (the fruit shape is highly valued or butterfly) is on the verge of entering India. Stands out internationally for its quality, thanks improvements in pruning, fertilization and pest and disease management. While other countries peeled nuts with machines, in Chile this is done by hand, which is highly valued by buyers. It is estimated that by 2010 it exported 100 million dollars of this product. • Sacred Cows: All the wagyu bet. High international prices compared to the traditional beef and veal and strong competition from Argentine-Brazilians, have been big business for the category, and many other new-to lay eyes on this kind of Japanese beef.


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