Thursday, October 1, 2009

Severe Pectus Excavatum

Emperor Syndrome

Today we speak of "the emperor syndrome"

Reports of parents against children from abuse, threats and verbal, physical and psychological have increased on average and, in general, up to eight times in just four years. The children who insult and beat their parents suffer from the so-called "syndrome of the emperor." This syndrome that many adolescents are and under whose symptoms act behaving as true despots and tyrants, like the emperors of history were with his subjects, whose behavior is a known incidence only "the tip of the iceberg." For the current psychology of this disturbing behavior or child syndrome is known only a small part of a deeply complex and widespread problem.

As stated Salvador Minuchin, the family structure must exist between the subsystem boundaries of marriage and the parental subsystem. The boundaries consist of the rules defining who participates and how. Its function is to protect the differentiation of subsystems. These limits must be clear and well defined, since it is normal that the egotistical little concerned for his hedonism get everything he wants and constantly seek to draw attention, and the role of parents curb and control.

Currently the family has evolved and family structure has changed. There are single parents, divorced, restructured, etc. ..., and likewise also family roles have been varied: The parental roles have been diluted. Unquestioned authority that characterized some time at the patriarchal model of parental subsystem disappeared and been replaced by a flexible and rational authority.

The bees we invite you to read the whole article here and now we leave you some videos that have something to do, judge yourself and value the words of the juvenile judge of Granada.


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