Monday, September 6, 2010

Kates Playground Playing In The Tub

perfect divine order in the Mysteries of the sun

This month I've had so many emotions and feelings that I do not know where to start. Is about one of the most important moments of my life, the big step I've finally decided to to enter another stage. My Aunt Lucy said that the two most important decisions in life are the career or activity that you want to spend, and the man with whom you share your life. And her aunt was not wrong, but forgot to say that the emotions I was going to bring this second decision, would be incomparably stronger first.

Planning the wedding has been full of lists of activities, budgets, appointments with decorators and such things, but beyond that day to plan, during this process we learned more about the two, we had a difficult time now they are evidence that God gives us to get ahead, so there is no doubt the way we are taking. These days have served to strengthen us spiritually and build the pillars of marriage, worth the solemnity of the terms, since this is the most serious issue that I can speak.

I must confess I had moments of great panic, while many times preferred to avoid the issue of the wedding, and that terrified me think of the thousands of preparations that should be listed and who were vaguely in my head, besides the money had to spend, which at this time is somewhat limited. The "wedding panic" came over me, until one day a deep breath and talk about all the things that frightened me, and they had to do with planning but there was deep uncertainty of greatly distressed me, because they used to enforce some order in my life and have control over events that were taking place, this time I felt I did not know what would happen .. . I felt like I was launching into space.

After thousands of useless thoughts invaded my head, my spiritual father sat me down one day to tell me about life. And yes, it was true that I was throwing the empty ... but most people do not know that's what you're doing when making the decision to marry and then have a life plan, how many children to have, how they will live, where you're going to do but plans are for then we realize what we missed do not serve these to follow, and you can not know what happens next, as it nobody knows. He talked about what the first years with his beloved Ma Isabel, and his eyes began to moisten, after more than thirty years I had the simplicity with which they started and if it was true that some of the plans did not become reality, it did not matter because everything was in perfect divine order, they have each other, their children, the joy of enjoying every day, and satisfaction and help this little walker.

There are things we can not control, and is completely useless to think of what will happen tomorrow. This woman schematic, which is bitten by a relaxed but in fact, like everyone, need certainty, has learned a big lesson ....

Finally, the most important question: if I love him and he to me? A resounding YES infinite, a thousand times YES! That is the only certainty I need. Now that the opposite of love is fear, and where there is love there are no fears.

continued ...


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